Please refresh the page if equations are not rendered correctly.
Example scripts on:
- variables (line 7),
- constants (line 26),
- operators (line 31) and
- conditions (line 50).
Code variables.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
/* Difining Variables */
cout << "Difining Variables:" << endl; // cout - console output
cout << "The following are some important data types in C++;" << endl;
cout << "Character: char;" << endl;
cout << "Integer (signed): int, long, double;" << endl;
cout << "Floating point: float, double;" << endl;
cout << "Boolean: bool;" << endl;
// Now we are going to define some variables
int age = 25; // it is a good practice to initialize the variables when they are defined
float floatAge = 25.5;
char charA = 'A';
bool isAdult = true;
cout << "Age: " << age << endl;
cout << "Float Age: " << floatAge << endl;
cout << "Character: " << charA << endl;
cout << "Is Adult: " << isAdult << endl;
cout << "defining constants:" << endl;
const int myAge = 5;
cout << "My Age: " << myAge << endl;
// myAge = 6; // this will through an error, because myAge is a constant variable and it cannot be changed after it is defined.
/* Operators */
cout << "Operators:" << endl;
// + - addition, - - subtraction, * - multiplication, / - division, % - modulus
cout << "Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %;" << endl;
// == - equal to, != - not equal to, > - greater than, < - less than, >= - greater than or equal to, <= - less than or equal to
cout << "Relational Operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=;" << endl;
// && - and, || - or, ! - not
cout << "Logical Operators: &&, ||, !;" << endl;
// & - bitwise and, | - bitwise or, ^ - bitwise xor, ~ - bitwise not, << - left shift, >> - right shift
cout << "Bitwise Operators: &, |, ^, ~, <<, >>;" << endl;
// += - add and assign, -= - subtract and assign, *= - multiply and assign, /= - divide and assign, %= - modulus and assign
cout << "Assignment Operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=" << endl;
// sizeof - returns the size of a variable, & - returns the address of a variable, * - pointer to a variable,
// ?: - conditional expression, . - member access operator, -> - member access operator, Cast - converts one data type to another, Comma - separate the expressions
cout << "Miscellaneous Operators: sizeof, &, *, ?:, ., ->, Cast, Comma;" << endl;
size_t size = sizeof(int);
cout << "Size of int: " << size << endl;
/* Conditionals */
cout << "Conditionals:" << endl;
cout << "if, else if, else;" << endl;
cout << "Input a number x=" << endl;
int x = 0;
cin >> x;
cout << "The number you entered is: " << x << endl;
if (x > 0) {
cout << "x is positive" << endl;
} else if (x < 0) {
cout << "x is negative" << endl;
} else {
cout << "x is zero" << endl;
cout << "if, else if, else with logical operators;" << endl;
cout << "Input a number y=" << endl;
double y = 0.0;
cin >> y;
cout << "The number you entered is: " << y << endl;
if (y >= 10 && y <= 20) {
cout << "y is between 10 and 20" << endl;
} else if (y > 20 && y <= 30) {
cout << "y is between 20 and 30" << endl;
} else {
cout << "y is not between 10 and 30" << endl;
return 0;
g++ variables.cpp -o main
# clean is often used as a target that removes the output of other targets
@del *.o
@del main.exe
make build
make run
make clean
Comments NOTHING